Q. 1 HOW MUCH TIME IS REQUIRED TO BIND MY THESIS? We will always do our best to fit in with you. Thesis binding can be done urgently, if you need it. Note that the information shown here specifically relates to hard bound thesis. If you want soft bound (or limp bound) thesis, scroll down to question 3.

- If you are in no special hurry, 1 week is normally the ideal timeframe.
- If your project is more difficult than usual, it is sensible to allow as much time as possible.
- If you need (or would like) the binding of your thesis completed promptly, but do not wish to incur an urgent surcharge - binding can be done as quickly as the equivalent to 3 full working days. Note that on rare occasions, this may be increased to help us cope with the workload. On occasions like this we may also suggest you try hard to allow a particular timeframe.
- URGENT THESIS BINDING - we are very glad to help any student needing their binding done in a hurry and we regularly help students with tight deadlines! However do note that adhesives do require time to dry, between stages of the binding process. So for hard-covered binding, we extremely highly recommend that you should allow, as well as time during the daytime, at least over one night for the binding. Also note that the urgent surcharge increases, the more urgently the books are required, once you allow us less than the 3 full working days, mentioned above.
- Especially for non-urgent thesis we expect to incorporate printing timeframes into the time you allow. For more information see Thesis Printing Question 7
Contact Us to discuss YOUR timeframe - this is specially important near major university deadlines.
For copies that you are handing in to the university your choices may be somewhat limited by the requirements of your university - and every university is different. We are very used to fitting in with the requirements of the different universities.
We regularly bind theses for students from:
- Auckland University
- AUT University
- Massey University
- Otago University
- Unitec
- Victoria University
- Waikato University
- And MANY other colleges and academic institutions throughout the country.
We are quite used to fitting in with the requirements of other universities too - many students live in New Zealand, who have studied overseas. If you are in this situation, note that we frequently bind the thesis volumes of students from overseas universities; fitting in with whatever requirements each particular university may have.
However, when it comes to your own copies, we can bind these thesis in a style suits you (whether this is the same as the university copies of your thesis - which is what most people do - or completely different). You may want your thesis to be bound in a special way - and why not, after all the time you've spent on it? We allow you to choose other options too, for example you may want padded (spongy) covers or marker ribbons or you may want a special box made to hold your volume. These and other options are available at ‘The Bookbindery'.
Buckram is our standard binding material. This English-made woven cloth is a required material at many universities. The standard range has 22 colours and other colours are available on request (though this often costs more). Other materials are also available (some at standard rates). We also have leather available for anyone requiring an extra special binding.
If your thesis is a non-standard size (i.e. anything other than A4 portrait) we would highly recommend that you discuss it with us. It is also very important that you read our information on paper grain (see Tips - Special Projects, then scroll down to the part on paper grain).
SOFT COVER or as it is sometimes called "LIMP" COVER THESIS BINDING is sometimes required and sometimes chosen by students.
Some of you will be required to submit soft-bound copies, e.g. for marking, or you may just prefer to have a cheaper option for extra copies. The timeframe for this depends on the type of soft binding chosen - for thesis that aren't too huge, some hot-glued options can be done same day, whereas 2 days is best for the lumbecked version.
Sound bound thesis can be titled, if you wish - by foiling - much like a hard covered thesis. We recommend a front title only.
Just like with hard covered thesis, soft bound thesis can be ordered online - see our Online Binding Form
While not generally essential, it is always a good idea to make a booking and reserve a space. You can do this by filling out our Appointment Form.
Please show:
- desired delivery and collection dates
- the numbers of copies
- whether hard or soft bound
- whether you would like us to arrange printing (or whether you will do this)
- your university and department
If your thesis has non-standard features - e.g. unusual size, fold-out pages, ... - it is a sensible to Contact Us about this, so as to ensure that this is organised correctly.